Today was a great shopping day for me!! Hobby Lobby was having a super sale. All of their Christmas items are now marked down 80%. They also had several isles of home décor & accents marked down 66%. There was so much to look at. I was there almost two hours!! Here is what I found: 
These candles were originally $11.88 each and I got them for $2.38 each.
These candles were originally $ .99 each and I got them for $ .20 each.

This two tiered server was originally $29.99, and I got it for $10.20.
I think I am going to paint it white, what do you all think?
I also went to Lowe’s for some paint for another project, and found this cute plant holder:

Sorry, I could not find a better back drop for you to see the detail. My house is a mess right now, and this was a spot that did not have all sorts of stuff all around it. The planter was not on sale, but I have wanted it for about a year now. I had a gift card, so I scooped it right up. I cannot wait until the spring comes so that I can plant some English Ivy, Periwinkles & Geraniums in it!!
This is the very, very best treasure of the day. It is a Ironstone Soup Tureen that my grandmother gave to me!! I LOVE IT!!!
She said her mother (my great grandmother) gave it to her over 40 years ago. What makes it really special is that I was fortunate enough to have grown up knowing my great grandmother. She lived to be 101. She passed away about six years ago, and she was one month shy of being 102.
Thanks for visiting and letting me share my treasures with you, I hope you all had a wonderful day, and thanks again for the tureen Mimi…….
Nicole ~