This is my first time to participate in Beverly's at How Sweet the Sound Pink Saturday. Here are a few of my favorite pink things:
Bentley laying on this super soft pink blanket.
This would have to be my favorite!

The below picture is something I put together a couple of weeks ago. I had purchased this frame at a thrift store for $ .49, and painted it white. I have had this angel ornament probably ten years or so, decided to glue it on to some coordinating scrap book paper, and then place it in this frame. This was a really easy project, and it only cost me $.49!
Nicole..You are amazing with your 49 cent project! Of course your precious Bentley is the best! Have a great weekend!...Debbie
Bentley is a cutie.. and love the picture in your bathroom!
Happy Pink Saturday.
That picture of Bently is the best! That looks like the softest pink blanket! Oh and I almost bought that picture! We had it at the store that I work at. I had planned to get it Friday and when I went to work that morning, someone had already bought it. Were you in McComb, Ms. this past week-end? LOL
Lee Laurie
Pink peonies are my favorite flower, the picture is gorgeous! I love your project too, the bow is a great finishing touch, and Bentley is just adorable. Have a nice weekend!
Love your pink Saturday and what you did with the frame is great!!
Bentley is so cute on his luxurious blanket! How clever to make a picture with your angel ornament. laurie
Hi Nicole...I'm so excited! I'm doing my first and maybe only Met Mon. too! I never finish anything, so I don't have much to show yet...lol! I understand about The Bachelor...me, too! But here's what you can do...I just figured this one out. Create your post today and at the end, click on post options. It gives you a time and date. Set it for what you want, click publish and it saves it, schedules it and will post it automatically! Isn't that neat? I'm posting mine about 10:30 tonight. Susan usually has her Mr Linky up around 10:00 PM. Be sure you have your post up first. You don't have to wait until tomorrow. That way you can be enjoying The Bachelor while your post is already up. That would be good because I think a lot of them will post tonight or in the morning and you'll get more exposure that way. You should do Trash to Treasure Tuesday, too. I'm not sure who hosts it, but I'll find out. You are so good at seeing the possibilities where I see only trash!...lol! Can't wait to see your post. Hugs...Debbie
I re-read my note...a little confusing. What I meant was be sure you have your post up before you hook on to Mr Linky. I noticed on Tablescape Tues. that some people had linked and there was no post to see yet. Many people wouldn't bother to go back. Ohhh...sorry! I'm long-winded and the teacher in me won't shut up!!! lol Have a great day...Debbie
Nicole, thank you so much for stopping by my new blog and for the warm and gracious welcome. This was my first post in the world of blogland. I love your cloche and your precious puppy on the pink blanket is just too cute. I will look sooo forward to viewing more of your posts. Thanks again. Marty
Hi Nicole, looks like we have the same interests except I don't have any pets anymore. All my kids do though so they make up for it. Your furry babies are soooo cute, especially your Bentley! Love what you did with the angel ornament...how creative of you!`....Christine
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