For months I have been looking and looking for a valance to go in my living room. I never could find the right style and or color. I could no longer stand how naked the area above my sliding door looked. So, I decided I would just throw something together myself. I went to Hancock Fabrics and picked up 1 1/2 yards of fabric to work with. I did not have pattern to go by, so I just started sewing hems, and came up with a straight valance. I hated it, it was to long & to boring. I got my needle and thread, and started to make some changes. Here is what I came up with: Here is the before picture, doesn't it look naked to you?

My little handsome boy wanted to help out!
Here it is, it is not perfect, but it will work for now.

The fabric really isn't as shiny as it looks.

It still needs something, so at some point I am going to put some fringe around the top to dress it up. I already had the tassels so I just used them. I would also like to change them with a bolder color.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention, the fabric was 1/2 off! I got the material and thread for $20.00.
You did great! It is beautiful! I love that fabric and you got it at a really good price. It would've cost a fortune if you would've had to buy it ready made! You go girl!
That is really pretty!
Love the fabric. :)
My you did a beautiful job. The valance is just gorgeous and the material you picked out is so pretty. It really does dress up the sliding door. Great job. Hugs, Marty
Hi Nicole...I love it! That fabric is gorgeous! Charles Faudree has a similar valence in one of his books! Great job...Debbie
Hi Nicole,
That is beautiful fabric, and you did a great job! Your little sewing case is adorable too. Awesome!
What a great valence. I love the way it dresses up your doors there. The fabric is beautiful and you picked it up at such a great price! Great job!
That's beautiful fabric and you got it at such a good price. Good job on the valance, it really looks so much better!
Looks very good, Nicole! The material is very pretty...Christine
Nicole, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the sweet comment. I'm glad you found me because now I've found you. I see you are new to am I!
After visiting your blog, I can see you are an animal lover, like me! Bently is adorable...what a sweet face and your kitties are true FURbabies. They're both gorgeous.
Also, love your valance...BEAUTIFUL fabric! *sigh* I wish I could sew!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
xoxo ~ Donna
Still keeping up with you on a regular basis... Keep it up!!!
(favorite cousin #1)
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